Tag Archives: Chanukah

Beth El Chanukah Pot Luck & Latke Dinner

15 Dec

We will be having our annual Beth El Hannukah latke party and potluck dinner on Thursday December 22 at 6 pm.  Please sign up to help with cooking latkes, decorating, or bringing a parev or dairy dish.  Also, bring your menorah so we can light several.

You may sign up in the comment section of this post, by calling Iris, or by emailing BethElAustin@Yahoo.com.

Also, please note that the children’s Chanukah cards are still on sale in the synagogue lobby for $4 each.  All proceeds benefit the school and children’s Shabbat morning services.

It’s a BIG weekend at Beth El!

3 Dec

Correction: Tonight’s service is at 7:00 PM.  Oy!  The website editor must be needing Shabbat!

Shabbat!  Chanukah! Bar Mitzvah!  Children’s Service! Latke Pot Luck Sunday Dinner!

ALL This weekend at Beth El!

schedule for 12 3 beth el

(Click on the schedule to enlarge.)

Please note: Parking on the left driveway is reserved for the disabled and those unable to walk a block.   We are expecting a large crowd.  There is additional parking at the office park across the street and on Dominion Cove just a block away (toward Jollyville).