Archive | May, 2011

Shabbat Bamidbar

27 May

Shabbat shalom to all and we look forward to seeing you tonight at 7 for our Friday night services and tomorrow morning at 9 am for our Shabbat morning services.

Cantor Ben-Moshe’s Message:

This week we begin Sefer B’midbar, the Book of Numbers.  After two years at Sinai, the People of Israel are ready to move on, and a census is taken to see the strength of ‘Am Yisrael.  On the Jewish calendar, we are one week away from the end of the counting of the ‘Omer and the Festival of Shavuot, and on the secular calendar we are at Memorial Day.  To those who are traveling, safe journeys, and we hope to see those who are staying in Austin Friday night and Shabbat morning.  To all of the Beth El family and our guests, Shabbat Shalom.
Cantor Yitzhak  Ben-Moshe

editorial note: Our apologies for the weeks where we have not been updating the website.  The website editor has been recovering from surgery.