Shabbat Noach, Service at 7pm

28 Oct

Shabbat Shalom. Please join us this evening at 7pm for Shabbat services.

A note from the cantor:

This week we read Parshat Noah, which describes the Great Flood and how humans spread across the world. The Torah describes how God created the rainbow as a sign of a new covenant with humanity, that the world would never again be destroyed by flood. God’s resolve comes from the realization that humans simply have the capacity to do evil-it is in our nature, therefore it is to be expected that evil will sometimes happen. We are also capable of great good and compassion, though, and that is where we should focus our attention and our energy, as well as on repentance, t’shuvah, for our wrongdoings.

The b’rachah for seeing a rainbow is “Baruch Ata…zocher b’rito u’n’eman b’ma’amaro.” “Praised are You…Who remembers His Covenant and is true to His word.”

Shabbat Shalom and Hodesh Tov, a Good Month to all.

Cantor Yitzhak Ben-Moshe
8902 Mesa Drive
Austin, TX 78759

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